Argentine Ant


Very small brown ants


Black, brown, red


.12 inches


Waterways, lowland areas, and indoors

Interesting Facts

The Argentine ant is one of the only species of ants that will not attack different colonies their same species.

About Argentine Ants

Much of the Argentine ant success is due to the fact that this particular species of ant will not attack or compete with nests of other Argentine ants. This has allowed multiple colonies of ants to group together and form super-colonies that can dominate large areas of land. When introduced to a new area, Argentine ants often beat out all other species of ants which causes immediate issues in the surrounding ecosystems. An example of this can be found in the species of the coastal horned lizard in southern California. Once the Argentine ants were introduced to this area, they beat out all of the native species, which happened to be food for the coastal horned lizard.

Argentine Ant Control

As a pest, Argentine ants enter buildings in search of food and water (especially in warmer months). Once they are in a building they are especially hard to get rid of because most colonies have many different queens. In fact, some pesticides can induce queens to lay even more eggs. The most effective manner to control these ants is usually dietary baits, which workers take back to the queens and other ants.

Carpenter Ant


Larger with small hairs on the body and curved antennae


Dark brown to black


1/4 – 1 inches


Moist, decaying and hollow wood, both inside and outside

Interesting Facts

Carpenter ants will forage 100 yards or more in search of food

About the Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants are the most common ant pests in the United States. They reside both indoors and outdoors, anywhere they find suitable habitat. The ants cut their nests into the wood, forming tunnels and larger dug out areas where they reside. Damage done by carpenter ants is much different than damage done by termites. Where termite tunnels are usually filled with ‘mud’, the tunnels left by carpenter ants are usually very smooth and clean. This can cause structural instability.

Carpenter Ant Control

Handling the carpenter ant as pests involves using pest control products and materials, especially if an entire colony has formed. You can usually find the damaged areas by locating the frass left by the ants. Frass is sawdust-like material the ants produce after tunneling through the wood.

Fire Ant


Body has 3 segments, 3 pairs of legs and antennae


Red to reddish brown


1/4 inches


Large mounds, usually in wide open areas

Interesting Facts

The fire ant earns its name from its bite, which releases Solenopsin, a venom that produces a feeling like being burned by fire.

About the Fire Ant

Most commonly known as fire ants, there are actually 285 species of biting ants worldwide. The one most people are associated with is the red imported fire ant. They are not native to America, but they have thrived here. In the United States alone $5 billion is spent on medical expenses, damage and pest control in fire ant infested areas. The infestations have gotten so bad in areas that governments have considered using fungal pathogens to combat the spread of Red Imported Fire Ant colonies. They live in large colonies, which can make them particularly dangerous. They are fast movers and reproducers, meaning infestations can develop rapidly.

Fire Ant Control

Fortunately fire ants rarely make it inside buildings. There is a variety of methods for both prevention and pest control for your land.
