Camel Cricket


Large, arching hind legs; thin, wispy antennae; humpbacked appearance; wingless


Range of browns; babies are translucent


Bodies are about 5 centimeters long; legs can reach up to 10 centimeters long


Moist environments, such as caves, wells, rotting stumps and damp leaves

Interesting Facts

Unlike most crickets, camel crickets do not chirp

About the Camel Cricket

Because of their preferred dwelling environments, camel crickets are often found in damp basements and greenhouses, two places where people find them to be a nuisance. While somewhat freakish in appearance, camel crickets are harmless to people. They use their large hind legs and antennae, which sit close together toward the front of the head, to navigate and adeptly obtain food. Also known as cave crickets, these pests are accustomed to spending their lives in the darkness and will scatter when in the light.

Camel Cricket Control

In the case of an extreme infestation – often attributed to long, rainy periods – property owners may notice unusual brown or black marks on floor joists or in the crawlspace. This can be caused by the fecal smears of the camel cricket. Prevention begins by controlling potential dwelling sites, removing moisture, keeping stored items off the ground and properly caulking and sealing the property.

House Cricket


Larger, compound eyes; small bodies; overlapping, translucent wings; long antennae


Range of yellowish-browns


Adults are approximately 1 inch long


Under rocks; within trees and stumps; among leaves

Interesting Facts

There are approximately 900 species of crickets throughout the world.

About the House Cricket

The common house cricket is the one we associate with nighttime chirping. Only the males create this sound using a large vein in their wings, and it’s typically related to external temperature or mating. They’re omnivores, scavenging on decaying, organic materials, fungus and small plant particles. They mate in late summer; lay eggs in the fall; and babies hatch in batches of up to 200 in early spring.

House Cricket Control

Look around indoors to find crickets, as they are primarily outdoor animals that prefer to remain concealed. When they get indoors, it’s often by accident. Keep weeds, shrubs, wood piles and grass trimmings cleared from around the property. If you hear crickets on the property at night, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have an invasion or infestation.
