Coral Snake


A brightly colored but usually small snake


Red, yellow and black bands


From 3-5 feet long


Most of the southern United States in a variety of environments including wooded areas, coastal plains, as well as semiarid regions

Interesting Facts

“Red on yellow, kill a fellow; Red on black, friend of Jack” can be used to differentiate the poisonous coral snake from its non-poisonous relatives

About the Coral Snake

In North America, most of the coral snakes are relatively small snakes but they have been documented to grow larger than 5 feet long. Despite their small size they are also one of the most venomous snakes in the United States. Coral snakes tend to inhabit areas that aren’t densely populated, and they are also elusive in nature, spending much of their time hiding. They account for a very small percentage of snakebites every year. This has resulted in the anti-venom being relatively hard to find which makes every bite more dangerous.

Coral Snake Control

If you do encounter a coral snake or any snake you think might be a coral snake, you should contact a professional immediately and avoid contact with the snake.

Copperhead Snake


Camouflaged pit viper snake with a very wide head


Pale tan to pinkish tan with darker accents


From 20-40 inches


Can be found in forests and woodlands, but have also been found in rocky regions and swampy areas

Interesting Facts

When they are babies the tip of Copperhead snakes’ tails are bright yellow

About the Copperhead Snake

Copperhead snakes can be found in most of the southern United States, as well as Mexico. They can be found in wooded areas and swamps, most often near a source of water. The copperhead snake, like all of its pit viper relatives, is an ambush predator. It will coil up under a log or in a hole until a source of prey walks by, at which point they will spring into action and bite. Copperheads will usually avoid contact with humans. Unlike most snakes that will leave an area when a human enters; copperheads will often freeze in place. Their camouflage is also so effective that many people will actually step on the snake before seeing it.

Copperhead Snake Control

While copperhead snake venom in rarely fatal to humans, experiencing a bite is still an unpleasant experience that can result in the need for a doctor. You should be wary of removing a snake on your own.

Diamondback Rattlesnake


The largest rattlesnake species with a patterned appearance


Brown to brownish-yellow to grey with black accents


Lengths of 3-6 feet are average but they have been documented at almost 8 feet long


The southern United States in pine forests, sand hills, coastal areas, swamps and marshes; also in more urban areas

Interesting Facts

The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is the heaviest venomous snake in the world, weighing in at a record 34lbs.

About the Diamond Back Rattlesnake

Diamond Back Rattlesnakes are some of the largest venomous snakes in the world, both in length and weight. Like most rattlers, they are more at home on the ground than in trees, but they can climb and have been spotted in trees from time to time. They are actually incredible swimmers and have been seen swimming from island to island in coastal areas. The Diamond Back Rattlesnake is not an especially aggressive species of snake. They most often prefer to avoid contact with humans. They will also use their ‘rattle’ as a warning when a human is approaching, which often prevents bites. If a Diamond Back Rattlesnake does bite you, the venom is very poisonous to humans with a mortality rate somewhere in the 20-30% range.

Diamond Back Rattlesnake Control

Diamond Back Rattlesnakes should be avoided, never antagonized and only removed by professionals with experience managing dangerous wildlife.
