Dog Tick


Small, round to teardrop-shaped with 8 legs and a protruding head


Reddish brown to black


5 millimeters


In wooded areas, dense foliage, as well as attached to a host animal

Interesting Facts

After attaching themselves to a host, ticks secrete an anesthesia-type compound to prevent the host from knowing the tick is there, thus prolonging its feeding

About the Dog Tick

Dog ticks are three-host arachnids. Once a baby hatches, it attaches to a host and feeds, dropping off and molting afterward. The nymph will find another host, feed and drop off for a final molt into an adult. As adults, a male and female will find a host. The male dies after mating, and the female drops off to lay approximately 4,000 eggs, perpetuating the cycle. Ticks are parasites, and they are vectors of disease. After attaching to a host with its claws, it inserts its mouthparts to consume blood, growing in size and changing color slightly.

Dog Tick Control

Ticks can enter the indoors in a number of ways, attached to humans or pets. They live naturally outdoors, and if avoided, do not pose a significant threat. However, if you notice a tick indoors, you should follow proper removal practices.
