Continuous Improvement

Generating breakthrough results in workplace safety, food safety, service and productivity is all made possible through our dedication to Continuous Improvement. We work directly with our customers to optimize our sanitation programs by continuously developing and implementing technology and best practices.

Optimization through Continuous Improvement has four parts:

  • Increasing operational efficiency
  • Reducing staffing requirements
  • Improving performance results
  • Standardizing work and process for consistency

Addressing these four areas has proven to result in:

  • A safer work environment
  • Turnover reduction
  • Annual savings of 2-4% per year
  • Improvement of overall operational performance


We take our customer relationships extremely seriously, and are always looking for ways to make sure you get the highest level of value for your sanitation spend. That’s why we work as a team to understand and take on tasks that increase value. Our efforts are rooted in “lean manufacturing,” which involves taking steps to reduce or eliminate waste in every process.

These steps include:

  • Time Studies – Labor Flow Analysis
  • Water Conservation
  • Water Drop/Hose/Nozzle Configuration
  • Sanitation Window Reduction
  • Yield and Floor Scrap Reduction
  • Automation via Spray Bar
  • CIP/ACS Systems


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