Surface Protectant

Antimicrobial Coating Technology

Safe Foods Chemical Innovations offers food contact surface antimicrobial protection that can be left on food processing machinery and equipment after its application during the sanitation process. Microbarrier PrimeTM is an antimicrobial coating that is highly effective in inhibiting microbial contamination of odor- and stain-causing bacteria, fungi (mold and mildew), and algae between cleanings for up to 90 days (3 months), and can be used on both food and non-food contact surfaces, appliances, equipment and utensils used in preparing and processing food products.

Enhances Timeline for Future Sanitation

  • Microbarrier Prime, when applied per label directions, creates an invisible shield on porous and non-porous surfaces that inhibits the growth of odor- and stain-causing bacteria, fungi (mold and mildew), and algae between cleanings for up to 90 days.

Ready-To-Use Application

  • Microbarrier Prime is ready to use right out of the bottle. No mixing or dilution is needed.
  • Microbarrier Prime can be applied to organic or inorganic substrates by brushing, dipping, padding, soaking, spraying, or by using foam finishing techniques.


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